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Swimming pool closed

We are sorry for any inconvenience, the swimming pool is closed due to issues with the boiler.

Posted on
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

It is with huge regret, The Arena Sports Centre has been forced to close the swimming pool for the foreseeable future. With the ever increasing cost of utilities and recovering from Covid 19 the Sports Centre is no longer in a position to continue the running of the pool. The Centre has invested over 100K in the last 2 years and we are still requiring repairs to the pool and building. United Learning are not in a position to re-invest financially to maintain the running of the pool.

The Arena Sports Centre team have worked tirelessly to explore all avenues, I am excited to update the public on the opportunity of some interested external parties to purchase the license and lease agreement to run the Swimming Pool. Negotiations and legal requirements are being investigated. We aim to have an update before the end of the academic year, with the aim to be up and running in September. The potential external parties are in a position to heavily invest in the Swimming Pool to get it to a positive sustainable place.

We are hopeful that with our potential collaborative working with them, it will bring the long term success to the pool and aid the Bognor Regis community swimming provision for years to come.

We understand the impact on our members, swimmers, hirers and local schools and hope to help make the transition in September as smooth as possible. The pool has been a huge part of The Arena’s past and we look forward to it being part of our future too, alongside an external partner.





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