Our Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) is a fully floodlit, hard surface area used for playing Tennis and Netball. FULLY refurbished as of September 2021. We are proud to be able to offer these activities at competitive prices!
Our MUGA can be used all year round, and hosts weekly training sessions for a range of teams. We even host yearly tournaments for primary schools in the area as part of our School Sports Partnership!
We have 8 tennis courts available for booking - why not challenge your friends and family?! These can also be adapted for children’s use, so bring your kids along for a tennis session!
We have 4 netball courts available for booking - great as a one off game with friends or why not consider a block booking and play every week?
To book one of these fantastic facilities, contact the reception by calling 01243 870000 or by emailing info@theregisschool.co.uk. See pricing below (per hour unless stated).
Want to play every week? Contact us about starting a 'block booking' and save money! We also offer ‘Club Memberships’ to make your booking process as a team easier and saves you even more money! Please email Lucy to enquire about a block booking and/or Club Membership for your team or group.
The Arena Sports Centre Booking Policy applies to this facility. Cancellations to your booking can be made free of charge until 24 hours (8 days for block bookings) before the booking is set to take place, after this an arrears equal to the full price of the booking will be given, further bookings cannot be made until this payment is made.
If you wish to cancel your booking, please send this in writing over email to lucy.lee-jones@theregisschool.co.uk.
Please include: